
Distributor / Reseller Application

Please make sure to answer all the questions as accurately as possible in order for us to properly assess a potential distributorship with your company.



    Power Bright prohibits resellers from selling Power Bright products on Amazon, including its affiliate brands Krieger and Energizer.
    Any reseller found selling Power Bright products on Amazon will be considered in violation of Power Bright’s policy and will be subject to legal action.
    Power Bright reserves the right to revoke any reseller’s authorization to sell Power Bright products at any time without prior notice.
    Any reseller found to be violating this policy will be banned from selling Power Bright products permanently.
    Reasoning: Power Bright takes its brand reputation and product quality seriously. Resellers on Amazon may not maintain the same standards as Power Bright and may not provide customers with the same level of support and product expertise. This could result in customer dissatisfaction and damage to Power Bright’s reputation. By prohibiting resellers from selling Power Bright products on Amazon, Power Bright can maintain control over the quality of its products and ensure that customers receive the best possible experience.